User Agreement.

This User Agreement ("Agreement") is a contract between you and Hainan Hezi Network Technology Co., Ltd.("Hezi"), applicable to your use of Hezi's products, services, and websites (collectively referred to as "Services"). By using this service, you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to use the services in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

1.Your Account.

In order to use certain Services,you may be required to create an account. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for restricting access to your account. You agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account.


You understand that all information, data,text,software,music,sound,photographs,graphics,video, messages,or other materials("Conten"),whether publicly posted or privately transmitted,are the sole responsibility of the person from whom such Content originated. This means that you,and

not Hezi,are entirely responsible for all Content that you upload,post,email,transmit,or otherwise make available through the Services.

3.Use of Services.

You agree not to use the Services to:Upload,post email,transmit,or otherwise make available any Content that is unlawful,harmful,threatening,abusive,harassing,tortious,defamatory,

vulgar,obscene,libelous,invasive of another's privacy,hateful,or racially,ethnically,or otherwise objectionable. Harm minors in any way.Impersonate any person or entity,including,but not limited to,a Nucleon official,forum leader,guide,or host,or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity.Forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any Content transmitted through the Services.Upload,post email,transmit,or otherwise make available any Content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships(such as inside information,proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under nondisclosure agreements).Upload,post email,transmit,or otherwise make available any Content that infringes any patent,trademark,trade secret,copyright,or other proprietary rights of any party.


hezi may terminate your access to the Services for any reason,including,but not limited to,breaches or violations of this Agreement or other incorpporated agreements or guidelines,requests by law enforcement or other government agencies,a request by you,discontinuance or material modification of the Services,unexpected technical issues or problems,or extended periods of inactivity.


The Services are provided "as is "and "as available" without any warranties of any kind.Nucleon does not warrant that the Services will be uninterrupted or error-free,that defects will be corrected,or that the Services are free of viruses or other harmful components.

6.Limitation of Liability.

In no event shall Nucleon be liable for any indirect,incidental,special,consequential,or punitive damages,including, without limitation,loss of profits, data,use,goodwill,or other intangible losses,resulting from(i)your use or inability to use the Services;(ii)any unauthorized access to or use of our servers and/or any personal information stored therein;(iii)any interuption or cessation of transmission to or from the Services;(iv)any bugs,viruses, trojan horses,or the like that may be transmitted to or through the Services by any third party;(v) any errors or omissions in any Content or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of your use of any Content posted, emailed,transmitted,or otherwise made available via the Services.

7.Governing Law.

This Agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter of formation(including non-contractual disputes or claims)shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.

8.Changes to the Agreement.

hezi reserves the right to modify or replace any part of this Agreement.It is your responsibility to check this Agreement periodically for changes. Your continued use of or access to the Services following the posting of any changes to this Agreement constitutes accentance of those changes.

By using the Services,you agree to be bound by this Agreement.If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement,you may not use the Services.

Thank you for using Hezi's products and services.